
I just got back from a wonderful and relaxing weekend at my family's cabin in northern Minnesota. A long weekend of sun (and sunburns), food, and family was just perfect!

Every year - there is a boat parade on our lake, hundreds of boats decorate themselves, and float along while we watch.  There is a trophy for the best boat.  I forgot my camera- I am so disappointed, because some of the boats were pretty good. 

While this is going on, all of the people that live by us to a big brunch while we watch.  I knew that I wanted to try to make something new... so I headed out to pinterest, and found a few good ideas. 

This is the one I decided to make.  Again- no camera, but I can actually say that my strawberries looked just like these!!! It was really easy to do, and they looked so festive :)

Anyone else try something new and festive for the holiday?

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